Evan Masters | Customer Success Manager, Critical Logic
Evan Masters is passionate about seeing customers succeed. In over ten years with Critical Logic, Evan has helped companies around the globe overcome challenges and implement innovative new technologies in support of business goals and objectives. Working with companies of all sizes, from startups to Fortune 5 companies, and thriving on his ability to listen to and understand customers' real needs, he has equipped and supported teams with the tools necessary to take their capabilities to the next level.
Critical Logic provides Integrated Quality Management tools and services. Efficient and intelligent test design is at the heart of Critical Logic's Quality Assurance services. Using advanced model-based testing techniques, you'll know exactly what to test to ensure a defect free product. This takes the guess work out of designing tests. As with Critical Logic's BA and Functional Design & Analysis services, their Software QA service relies on formalisms and frameworks to bring a level of discipline to software validation that effectively compliments the model-based testing efficiency. The result is a level of validation and verification usually reserved for only the most mission- and life-critical systems that is accessible to everyone and implementable in today's fast-paced development cycles.
IQM Studio - Automatic Test Design & Automatic Coded Scripts
Contact Details:
Evan MastersIn the software testing game, it is all about the details. Testing is really a simple thing to describe; does the software behave as expected? The complexity comes in knowing the details of what to expect and then designing tests to verify the behavior is as expected. Human brains are great at testing given knowledge of what the application should do. Automation tools have no knowledge. The trick is to find a way to make the tools know what you mean. Let's discuss.
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